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author interviews


"Podcasts from the Press" ~ Interviews With Authors and Artists

Podcasts from the Press Warm greetings from St Brigid Press!

We are happy to announce today the launch of a new production from our studio:

Podcasts from the Press.”

As the print shop and bindery have gotten under way here, we have had the pleasure to connect with many artists and authors in our region. To further honor, engage, and share with this growing community, St Brigid Press has begun recording live interviews with some of these creative voices. Hosted by the Press’s resident printer and poet, Emily Hancock, these lively conversations will be offered here on the website as podcasts and as transcripts.

Our next post will be the first interview, with Blue Ridge poet and painter Nancy Maxson. You'll be able to listen in to our fun talk about her art and poetry, and read along with the transcript, illuminated with images of her watercolors and excerpts from her haiku.

Thanks so much for joining us as we chat with some of the authors and artists who gift our days with beauty, challenge, and vision.

All the best,

St Brigid Press