Viewing entries tagged
block prints



New Book Forthcoming from St Brigid Press

The season is bearing fruit here in the Blue Ridge mountains... Autumn Greetings, Friends!

We are pleased to announce a new book forthcoming from St Brigid Press in November:  Soundings, a collection of haiku by Emily Hancock, illustrated with three prints by the author.

Hancock has been published in various literary journals, including the Appalachian Journal and the Greensboro Review. This limited edition book will collect over thirty of her haiku, each a small meditation on being in nature and the nature of being, as well as three prints from her original block carvings.

Setting the poems by hand.

Carving images into linoleum blocks, which will then be printed.

All of the type is set by hand (in the historic Koch-Antiqua typeface), letterpress printed on beautiful Rives mould-made paper, and sewn with linen thread.

Beautiful Rives paper, mould-made in France.

SAVE THE DATE!!! The official Book Launch for Soundings will take place on Friday, November 7th, at 5:30pm at Stone Soup Books and Cafe (Waynesboro, Virginia). Hancock will give a short reading and sign copies of the book, which may be purchased at that time from Stone Soup. Light refreshments will be provided, with dinner available from the cafe. Hope to see you there!

If you are out-of-the-area, you can pre-order the book now ~ click HERE (direct link to our secure online store). Books will be mailed out on November 10th.

With thanks, and all best,

St Brigid Press

First proofs of the poems, hot off the press.





Printing the Winter Sky

Courtesy NASA, public domain. Greetings All,

As the late-Autumn days roll into quickening, deepening darkness, Summer stars set and the constellations of Winter begin to rise. Our old friend, Orion, is now climbing above the hill to the east, beginning his hunting season.

A lifelong love of stargazing, combined with the creative crisp of these clear cold nights, has inspired a new series of block prints here at St Brigid Press. The first is a carving of the constellation Orion rising in lunar light ~ "Hunter's Moon."

"Hunter's Moon" block print.

Handcarved by Emily Hancock into a linoleum block, "Hunter's Moon" is printed with night-blue ink on the Poco Proofing Press in limited edition. Each print is signed, numbered, and double-matted (finished, framable size is 8"x10"). To order, please see our Online Store.

With thanks, and keep an eye to the sky!

St Brigid Press

The Harvest moon...

... and the Hunter in his field of stars.

Carving the Winter sky and moon into a linoleum block.

